Friday, August 26, 2011

Seven lessons from the first week of Grad School

1. I am actually completely ignorant when it comes to my "field". I know next-to nothing about Spanish linguistics or literary theory. In some ways, this is good. It means I'm in the right place to learn a lot this year!
2. 9 hours a week is NOT enough to keep you busy. 9 hours a week plus 15 hours of tutoring... I guess we'll have to see...
3. Riding a bike while carrying a 30 pound bag on one shoulder is not a good idea unless you want to fall over in the middle of the intersection. Yes, I am a dork!
4. There is lots of free stuff on a college campus. Apparently I'm really good at sniffing it out!
5. Bragging about yourself doesn't make you look smarter. Having your husband brag about you apparently does... reason #187 why being married is awesome!
6. I actually have a serious disadvantage because I only spent five semesters in college. I simply don't have a full understanding of a lot of the basic stuff I should have learned in college, just because I wasn't there long enough.
7. Taking a year off is the best thing I could ever have done for my education! Perspective, motivation, and passion for academia... definitely worth the pain of having to readjust to the idea of homework.

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